About Me

Home Town

I was born and raised in Shelby Township, Michigan - a suburb about an hour from Detroit. In High School I participated varsity football (albiet poorly), took 10 AP Courses, was a member of National Honors Society, and graduated with the distinct honor of the Physical Education Departmental Award for my 7 semesters of weight training courses (I was and am a bit of a gym addict).


Besides the subjects I go into a ton of detail below about, there are a couple interests that I love to talk about and engage with more causally. I am a huge Star Wars Lord of the Rings, and Seinfeld (I know, I know, I am a 20 year old that loves Seinfeld) fan, and I love to talk about movies, shows, and books. I am also a huge history buff. Currenly I am geeking out over the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which is an absolute masterpiece and I will not tolerate any slader of, and am watching Curb Your Enthusiasm as a result of my love for Larry David's type of humor.

Fitness Background

I am extremely passionate about health and fitness. I found exercise through athletics, but I truly began to appreciate and understand health and fitness over the course of the Coronavirus Pandemic, where I was able to focus on my own health to an extent that I had previous never been - resulting in a 60lbs weight loss. I am a huge advocate of using exercise along with healthy eating as a way to improve mental health, which I preach to my clients and friends. I am a Certified Personal Trainer through the American Council on Exercise (ACE), and train clients in-person at University of Michigan gyms.

I am also a huge advocate of the benefits of exercise for those with chronic muskuloskeletal issues. As someone that has completed physical therapy 4 times for various injuries, 3 of which I had to relearn walking, I strongly feel the only way to truly recover from an injury, or to manage chronic pain, is through exercise. For the past two years I have been dealing with a Giant Cell Tumor in my right leg, which has resulted in 2 surgeries, 1 year of being unable to perform high impact activity, a plate and nine screws in my leg, and ongoing medication with some not fun side effects. Through this all, I have been able to maintain my fitness and health, and now am nearly back to the best shape of my life.

Programming Background

I only developed my passion for programming in the last year and a half. I began my college career completely undecided, thinking I could do anything from Exercise Science to Sports Management to History. But, after a life altering diagnosis of a Giant Cell Tumor in my right leg, I revaluated my academic goals. I spent Winter 2022 completely unweight bearing and nearly bedridden from late Novemeber to early Febuary. During this time, I took a myriad of classes, which I was blessed to be driven to by the University Paratransit Service at the University of Michigan. Of those courses, the one I found myself enjoying the most was EECS 183, an introduction C++ course.

Sense then, I have taken a variety of courses, capped off last semester with the notorious Data Structures and Algorithms course EECS 281, which I found to be the most satifying course I have taken to this date, despite the extreme caffeine addiction I developed from it. This summer I am working for the Zettawatt Equivalent Pulse Laser System National Science Foundation (NSF) Labratory at the University of Michigan, where I am doing Full-Stack Website development using Python-Flask, HTML, CSS, and Javascript to build a Web Portal Application. I have also worked on a variety of other projects - such as a Python Package (SpatDAPy), the Software Subteam for the SPARK Electric Motorcycle Student Project Team (specifically CAN message hexidecimal conversion and graphical interpretation), and a variety of other projects. Without a doubt getting into programming has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, and if anyone out there is also reading this and looking to get started in programming, I would love to help so feel free to reach out!