
University of Michigan '25

BS in Computer Science

Software Dev


Professional Nerd, Programmer of Fun Things, Amateur Podcaster, Always Learning,

Go Blue! Go Blue! Go Blue! Go Blue! Go Blue! Go Blue! Go Blue! Go Blue! Go Blue! Go Blue

Fitness Coach, Tumor Slayer, HIIT Aficionado, Never Finished, Half-Marathon Runner,

Check out what I'm up to!

Summer '24
This upcoming summer I will be working at Credera as a Full Stack Internship Consultant. I am excited to work with a team of developers to create a full stack application for multiple clients. I am excited to learn more about the consulting industry and to work with a team of developers to create a full stack applications.
This Winter I will be participating in the IFSA Technology Career Accelerator in Prague. I will be taking courses in Machine Learning, Databases, Czech Culture, and the Czech Technology industry. I am excited to learn more about the Czech Republic and to experience a new culture. I am also excited to learn more about the technology industry in the Czech Republic and to learn more about the European technology industry.
Tech Career
in Prague
Fitness &
I am partaking in a 6-week fitness challenge I have created for myself. I am working out six days a week, twice a day (two one-hour sessions, one cardio/HIIT, one strength training) to achieve sub 10% body fat by the end of the challenge.

I am currently coaching six clients, focusing on various goals such as weight loss, muscle gain, and functional fitness. I am not now accepting new clients, but if you are interested in working with me, please email me.
I am excited to begin the Fall '23 Semester at Michigan. I will take Linear Algebra, Web Systems, Theory of Computation, and a German Language course. Outside of the classroom, I am excited to continue my involvement with my extracurricular activities. I am excited to hold a Python and SQL workshop in October for Michigan Sport Consulting Group members. I am thrilled to begin my work with the SPARK Electric Racing Team this semester, as I will be helping to design the embedded software to allow for regenerative braking.
Fall '23
of Michigan

My Story

I'm Jake Brinkmann, a Junior at the University of Michigan studying Computer Science.
I have been developing code for the last two years and have completed an internship as a Full Stack Developer at the ZEUS Lab at the University of Michigan.
My code is also used by the student groups I am proud to be a part of, the Michigan Sport Consulting Group and the SPARK Electric Racing Team.
Outside of programming, I am a certified Personal Trainer and currently coach six clients through the Umich Rec. Sports Personal Training Program. I love talking about my passion for fitness and always want to help others reach their fitness goals.

Outside of my professional life, I love spending time with my husky, Yukon, the best good boy. I also love learning about history, reading books, traveling, and talking with friends.
I am
an Eager Learner an Adaptive Achiever a Challenge Embracer

My Experience

Web Systems
& Development
  • ZEUS Lab - Full Stack Development Intern
  • EECS 485 - Web Systems
  • Michigan Sport Consulting Group - SpatDAPy Package
  • SPARK Electric Racing Team - Sofware Team, Data Sub-team
  • BIOPHYS 117 - Intro to Programming in the Sciences
  • STATS 250 - Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis
  • Data Structures
    & Algorithms
  • EECS 281 - Data Structures and Algorithms
  • EECS 280 - Programming and Introductory Data Structures
  • EECS 183 - Elementary Programming Concepts
  • Mathematics
    & Theory
  • MATH 214 - Applied Linear Algebra
  • EECS 376 - Theory of Computation
  • EECS 203 - Discrete Mathmatics
  • MATH 116 - Calculus 2
  • Leadership
    & Teamwork
  • Michigan Sport Consulting Group - Client Strategy Manager
  • Michigan Rec Sports - Personal Trainer
  • Phi Delta Theta - Recruitment Chairman